Thursday, February 25, 2010

Uncle What-is-it is Coming to Visit
This book is about Tiffany andIgor who learn that their uncle is coming to visit them from Boston. They haven't seen them since they were babies and their mom informs that he is gay. She doesn't have time to explain what that is so they ask around the neighborhood. People tell them crazy sterotypes which they believe since they don't know any different. They don't want uncle Brett to come because they are scared of him. Finally they meet uncle Brett and find out that he is just like them. In fact he is better at a lot fo things like playing catch then their own dad!
I think that one thing that was great about this book is that is addressed some of the sterotypes that we encounter about gay people. For example they had that they like to dress as women or dress in leather and chains and that simply isn't the truth for everyone. I also like how they come to respect Uncle Bob because he is just like them. I think this sends a positive message to kids.
I can see why this book would be a contraversial topic to deal with. In fact in the book it mentions that the children are Baptist so I see how religion plays into the book but the issue of being gay really doesn't affect me. I think whatever your life style is you should choose to live it and have the option to do so. Just as people who are differnt colors and religions do. From what I understand (not having read the Bible at all) is that it states a man and woman are to be married. Since I know that us how people are taught, that is how they are going to think.

1 comment:

  1. Becky,
    I have not yet read this book but I do agree that this is a great way to introduce children to the topic of homosexuality. It is great that they adress those stereotypes that kids are probably beginning to hear in school. I also think it is great that the author used an uncle because this is someone who most children look up to. I agree that a lot of times people make judgements about those that are homosexual without actually knowing them personally. On the topic of religion, I agree that a lot of religious people are not going to change their set in stone views. However, I am a Christian and I do not agree with the unaccepting views of many religions because isn't the church supposed to accept all people?
