Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Just Another Ordinary Day By Rod Clement
This book is different. The story is about just a day in the life of Amanda. So the actual story isn't very special but what makes this book very unique is the pictures. This makes for a twisted combination of ordinary words and extravagant illistrations. The author Rod Clement is an Australian cartoonist and his pictures make your imagination run totalyl wild. Everything about Amanda's life is far from normal. She wakes up to gong. When she gets dressed she wears metal boots. She gets a ride to school from her friendly neighbor, a tryrannosaurs. Her teacher is a bug, she showers in a waterfall and her can fly around her house.
When I read this book, it made me think of how things are everyday and how you wish they could be different. I mean who doens't want to be able to fly around their house and have an Alien for a friend? What this book really does is take the everyday extraordinary with exaggeration. It puts a playful and silly spin on life. I mentioned before that I like humor when it is used in books and this definatly takes that to the extreme. I am sitting here in the curriculum lab at a computer reading this book and smiling. It is one that even I can enjoy.
I am interested now in looking more into Rod Clement and his work to see what I can find out. What I did find is that his books seem to have a similar theme with the illistration and ordinary topics. There are books about counting and grandpa's teeth. I love that he can take something very normal and make it exciting because I think that is what makes your best lessons as a teacher. He is someone that I will continue to follow.

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