Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Fourth Floor Twins and the Skyscraper Parade by David Adler (ages 7-10)
Something I don't know very much about yet (but I am discovering through this reading) is what is appropiate for different age groups. When I think of a chapter book I think of older kids but this one is not for older kids. I had a hard time figuring out what to read for a series book so I ended up just looking at the shelves of the curriculum lab and finding a series. This one is the Fourth floor twins because two sets of twins live on the 4th floor fo their apartment building. It is a series that deals with solving mysteries.
To be honest, I didn't like the book very much. To me is was just blah. It wasn't a particular great solving a problem book. I just hurried to get through it and sometimes just skimmed the pages. Even though it is a super short book, it was too long fo rme to keep interested.
The thing I did like however was the it did a good job describing things using all of the 5 senses so I really felt like I was at the museum with the characters.
I don't really know what to say about this book except that I would reccomend the series. Maybe the kids will like it because mysteries are always a good way to keep children interested but I think that I could find a much better book.

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