Friday, February 5, 2010

My Grandmother Often Forgets by Reeve Lindbergh and Illustrated by Kathryn Brown
I chose this book because I just started searching the computers for topics that I think would be hard to know how to handle with my students. A lot of issues are bound to happen and I am not saying that I would just hand them a book and say here learn but I think reading is a great way to help communication between you and your students.
This book is about a boy whose grandmother might have Alzheimer's because she is having trouble remembering everyday. It takes you through the grandma's everyday activites and how it is important for the boy to help her out.
It is also written in a creative way. Every other line rhyme's throughout the whole book. It really made the reading flow very well. The front cover is a "zoomed out" version of the last page of the story. The inside cover are swirly red imaged which sturck me because it is a confsing time for grandma and the inside cover alludes to that confusion. The illistrations are also fantastic. They look as if they are done in water colors with black detailing. This means that there are not defined lines and they can blur together, kind of like the grandma's memory.

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