Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Don't Look Now by Ed Briant
I stumbled across this book when I was looking for graphic novels for this week. To me, this seemed to fit the mold of a graphic novel for beginning readers. It is about 2 boys who play tricks on each other while in their backyard. The pictures are what makes the book because one boy will say don't look now but there is a ___ and the picture will show a dragon but really it was just a bird. I thought that was sort of neat.
The pictures and colors that are used in this story remind me of a cartoon show that you might find on saturday morning. So although I thought it was a creative book, I wasn't loving the plot or it. But i gues with a book like this one, the pictures are more of the plot that the words themselves which is a concept I seem to have trouble wrapping my head around.
After reading the book I noticed that both the front and the back cover give a great little preview as to what the book is about. On the front you see how the boys imaginations are at work and on the back you see the plain backyard that they are playing in, with a monster in the window. I didn't notice that until after I had read the book. Another thing I noticed which I haven't seen is that the front inside cover and the back inside cover are different colors. one is blue and one is green. That was different from anything I have seen or that we saw during that class presentation. I think it shows that this is a new book where authors are taking different directions.

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