Sunday, February 21, 2010

Here Comes Gosling by Sandy Asher Issustrated by Keith Graves
First of all this book is about froggie who just can't wait to see gosling the new baby and he spends all day waiting and preparing. When the baby gets there, he is all fussy and scares froggie away. But in the end, froggie is the one who is able to calm down the little guy and they get to bond.
I read this book out loud with some students and I just read it again and I realize how different a book is when you are with kids than not. I took it to read with some 2nd graders. They really liked the book and it was fun to get both of the girls actively involved in the book. There are several hook lines (the line that is repeated throughout the story). Two of them I used and had each of the girls say it every time they saw it in the story so it became fun for them. They used different voices and accents by the end. Because of this they were paying attention the whole time. This made the experience of reading out loud very different from when I read it. All of us developed a rhythm. When I read it I thought that it was a cute story and that it would be enjoyable but I didn't realize the tone and how it would be read.
That is a real eye opener for. I think I will have to do some readig out loud. I guess that is going to be the same everyday for lessons. theoritically a lot of lessons look good on paper but you just don't know how they are going to play out that first time you do them.
The words chosen for the book would appeal to much younger kids. It uses those "cutesy words" and has repitition that is good for young readers/ students that are listening. The pictures are entertaining and colorful to go along with the animated story. I also liked how excited froggie was about the baby because I thought that made it relatable to kids. A lot of kids who are starting school are experiencing getting new brothers and sisters and they know what it is like. It also relates to all students because everyone knows what it is like to be so excited about something that time seems to move backwards no matter hwo much you do to stay busy.

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