Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This book is a little how to for getting married. It reminds me of what I would ask a little kid what they think has to do in the process of getting married. It was so adorable. The main character (girl on cover) looks like she made a notebook about the things that she wants for her wedding and then tore out the sheets and taped them to the pages. I thought that was clevar way of adding to the text.

This book is very comical. It is like a little girl who is imaganing her wedding day. But it has some great messages for example, it was girl proposing to the man which was a little power to the female image there. Also, the beginning talked about how you can marry a variety of things and it didn't matter so that was a nice message. iIt could either mean that you can have interracial marriages, marriges to the same sex, different religions, different personalilites anything which I thought was a good little moral message. It was cleary written recently (2009 to be exact) because this is modern view on the concept of marriage.
I chose this book because I was drawn to the title and the cover picture. This silly way or illustrating was all throughout the book and I am a HUGE fan. It made perfect sense for the book. They are funny yet details and believable. Sometimes I think that pictures don't really go with the text. They can be really good but not fit the mood of the story but these pictures definatly did.

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