Thursday, March 18, 2010

In november is another great seasonal book by Cynthia. It describes how it gets cold, animals begin to prepare for the winter, the traditions the month brings. One thing I noticed is how every book of hers is dedicated to someone else in her life even though she has written over 100 children's books. Since I was curious about the idea of dedicating over 100 books to people, I looked at some of her more recent books and saw that the dedication page isn't always in the front. I think that shows a more recent trend. Also what I find rather cleaver is that she doens't always dedicate her books to people. One of her books she dedicates to chickens. This brings me to another point. All of her books that I have read thus far and plan on reading are based off of her life and her personal experiences. Although they are fiction, I would describe them as realisitic fiction because everything could happen.
The book really uses strong description words that brings to life the month of November. I liked the repetition of the phrase "in november." It made you want to read to see what was going to come next in the month. I think that a lot of books focus on the people around the holiday time and I liked how this book also talked about the animals during the holiday season. I think that this would be a great book to read aloud when you are talking about adjectives or even poerty. I could see the class lifting a line out from this book and everyone coudl write their own poem from that. It would be cool because everyone would have a different poem.
Once again Cynthis uses a different illustrator. The pictures look like they are oil paintings. A lot for the faces aren't very defined but I think that it works for this book. Actually in my opinion, the faces of the animals are more clear than the people. I don't know if this was done on purpose or not but it is interesting,

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