Sunday, April 4, 2010

This book is about a Korean girl and her family who have to survive during the Japanse occupation during WWII.

I had a really hard time getting into the book. The first few chapters were very slow to me. I got bored with hearing about how they had to make socks. I was also a little confused by the histocial facts and I had to look up some thigns as I went along. However I did think that the book sounded very real. I have mentioned before that I dont' really like books written about someone who knew someone in a war. It just isn't the same when its not from the person's perspective. So that part I did like. It didn't sugar coat the story. It seemed very honest and detailed. This story reminded me a lot of the stories that I have heard about m grandma in the Holocust. She "got lucky" and was moved into a ghetto and had to work in a factory. So in a way I felt like I could relate to this story. I am excited to read the other book because I think that is a great way to teach history, having two points of view that is. Maybe it will help me appreciate this book more as well.

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