Monday, April 5, 2010

What will you be Sara Mee is a story about a traditional Korean tradtion that happens at your first birthday. The celebration is called a tol. There is a game that they played that is supposed to determine what you might be when you grow up.
This story is great for learning about a new culture, the Korean culture. The book has a lot of Korean words incorperated into it so you are learning something new like happy birthday and objects. I also liked how you got to see some of the things that happen during a Tol like wearing a special dress, having a table set up on the ground with cushions and a table for the game. I mean i perosnally learned a lot from this story!
My cousins adopted a little boy from China 2 years ago and they are always trying to incorperate things about his culture in with theirs. He listens to tapes in Chinese and has some tradional clothing. I think that this is important because no matter where you are, you cna't forget where you came from. At first I didn't really get it because I didn't think that he would have much to do with China but now after reading this book I really get it. There are some experiences that can't be replaced. It is especially important to remember this in the classroom. There are always going to be kids from different backgrounds and it is important to remember that. It is also important to put that in your curriculum to make children aware and feel comfortable and part of a whole.

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