Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Love that dog is a unique book about a boy who writes to his teacher in what seems like poem form inspired by Walter Dean Myers. I am not sure what to make of this book. I liked parts of it for teaching poetry in the classroom but some of it seemed only like a chopped up journal entry. I also thought it would be a cool book to use for students who don't really like to read because it shows another format. THe part that I liked most about this book is that the boy was inspirired by walter dean myers. He is a great rold model for kids and this book could really open up a study on him and his works.
I also think that this book would be a great way to introduce writers notebooks. It shows that there isn't a correct way to do an entry as long as you are doing it. you could also use to to show how you can workshop a piece of writing. The students could all have the same passage and have to rewrite it in different ways.
I know I talked a lot about how to use this book in the classroom because I am not sure how else to use this book. I don't know if it would have been one that I would have liked to read just on my own but it has a lot of potential for the classroom.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sharing the Season is a book of poetry all about the seasons made for children. The poems vary in length and style.
This book is a great way to expose students to poetry. It shows that that poetry comes in all forms. It doesn't have to be lond either. In fact, most of the poems are only a page long.
This book also doens't only have poems but also quotes from famous writes like Shakespeare which is like a poem in itsself. What also makes this really appropiate for kids is that there are the pictures with each poem. The whole book sfollows the same color scheme of the front cover. The color of the page and image reflect the season in the poem.
One of my favorite poems was Summer Moon because when I was reading it I thought about summer nights. The best summer nights are always accompanied by a full bright moon and warm air. One of the things I did all the time in high school was have bomb fires on the beach of lake mighigan. We would sneak out of the house and down the street to our beach and have a night to ourselves. If it was our choice we would have slept out on that beach and never left.
Another one of the poems I liked was When which was about Thanksgiving. It reminded me of my thanksgiving that always happen at my grandmas house. Now that I am getting older and so are m sibilings and family, we are not always able to get together all the time like we used to. So it was nice to remember all the things we ALWAYS have at thanksgiving like the cranberries, jello and fluff, turkey, baked beans, mashed potatoes, and corn that is the best at grandmas house. It reminds me of the warmth and comforte I feel when I am at my grandmas house with my family.
Another poem I like was Summer and it just said "summer afternoon, summer afternoon, the two most beautiful words in the English language." I like this because although it is short, it is the truth! us midwesterners appreciate summer a lot and I love every second of warm summer sun that I can get. I will be moving down south where it is always warm so I hope I have the same attitude.
The final poem I liked was Map to Spring which is literally a poem written like directions to get to spring. I think I liked this because springis coming right now and I feel so exciting to be finally getting there after a long and cold winter. It always seems like it has been a million years since we have had warm sun and fresh breezes but this poem reminded me that spring is on the way.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

So far from the bamboo grove is about a Korean family living in Japan during WWII and the struggles the family endures just to survive.
I was drawn into the book from the very beginning. Yoko is the main girl and the story is told from her point of view. Immediatly you are interested in the plot because we see a family struggling through the war. You can see the family's love for each other and so I found myself rooting for them during the whole hoping that they would be reunited. I was devestated when mother died but thrilled at every small gain Yoko and Ko made to survive. I was so thankful that older borther was abel to be reunited in the end with the sisters but I wish we had found out something more about the father in the story. I don't know why he was not really mentioned because from what I know about Asian cultures all members of the family are very important and close. Maybe there is a reason for this so that you focus on the main female characters.
The stories of war tell us a lot human beings and how much we can endure no matter what age we are. I found myself really looking up to the girls as strong characters. I think that they are good role models for a girl reading this book. They became indepedentand strong without losing sight of who they were. When the girls teased Yoko at school she didn't let them get to her. She focused on her grades and living the life that she still had. I think that is very powerful. I also think that this whole concept is important now with all the bullying attacks occurs in our schools. We need more examples of strong students who are able to endure and they don't let it bother them.
I really enjoyed this book like I mentioned and I really liked seeing two sides of the war from different families because it made me remember that no matter what side of a war you are on, there are always two stories. The innocent civilians seem to be the ones hurt the most and that is something that is also important to take away from this book.

Monday, April 5, 2010

First Family is about the Obama's life in the white house. It takes you through a typical day in the white house, but more specifically it focuses on Malia and sasha and what it is like for them. This I think makes it more interesting for kids to read about because I know I have always wondered what would be like to live in the White house. It gives us a little inside to that.
The story line isn't too complex. It really just has a bunch of information about their life in the white house. I learned a few new things or two. Also, everything is factual so the reader learns a littel bit about being the president and first family.
I loved the illustrations in this book. They are pretty realistic and very cute.
The end of the book has some quick facts about the president and some of the things you we saw in the book like the resolute desk given to president Hayes by Queen Victoria in the 1880s and has been used by various presidents. It also shows the girl doing homework at Ab. Lincolin's desk which is pretty cool to think about.
I really liked this story. This i a book I would like to have it in my classroom because I think it is important to be aware of current events even at a young age. This is book is a way that could be accomplished in an age appropiate manner.

What will you be Sara Mee is a story about a traditional Korean tradtion that happens at your first birthday. The celebration is called a tol. There is a game that they played that is supposed to determine what you might be when you grow up.
This story is great for learning about a new culture, the Korean culture. The book has a lot of Korean words incorperated into it so you are learning something new like happy birthday and objects. I also liked how you got to see some of the things that happen during a Tol like wearing a special dress, having a table set up on the ground with cushions and a table for the game. I mean i perosnally learned a lot from this story!
My cousins adopted a little boy from China 2 years ago and they are always trying to incorperate things about his culture in with theirs. He listens to tapes in Chinese and has some tradional clothing. I think that this is important because no matter where you are, you cna't forget where you came from. At first I didn't really get it because I didn't think that he would have much to do with China but now after reading this book I really get it. There are some experiences that can't be replaced. It is especially important to remember this in the classroom. There are always going to be kids from different backgrounds and it is important to remember that. It is also important to put that in your curriculum to make children aware and feel comfortable and part of a whole.

My Brother Charlie is about twins, a boy and girl callie and charlie. When they start to grow up, Charlie isn't growing up like Callie. He doens't talk much and he acts a little different. They take him to the doctor and it turns out that he has autism. This story talks about how special he is and good at so many things.
I loved this story when talking about Autism. It really puts a positive spin on it. Also, I liked how it was from his sister's perspective because autism can be hard for siblings and very confusing at times. It shows how she gets through it.
This book was written based on a true story. It was written by a mom who did acutally have twins and one has autism. They write a little at th eend about their experience. It also has pointers at the end. It helps you understand how to interact with a child with autism and how they are exceptionally smart but in other ways that we might think.
The book is written for young readers so this would be a great resource for students. I am not sure if this book was made to be read by students with autism but it has simple pictures with bold coloring which is cool because it really makes you focus on the acutal story.
I also like how this book show Charlie being really talented at things that Callie herself can't do like name all the presidents. It also talks about how caring he is. He really likes to share and play the piano for people.

Grandpappy Snippy Snappies is about all the ways a grandpa helps people out with his signature suspenders on. He snaps them up and down while helping people out.
The first think I noticed about this book is the acutaly text. It isn't your traditional font. It has a childlike writing to it and it is not always the same. There are some colors and different sizes according to how the text is read. It also doesn't just go from left to right. There are words going all over the page up and down. It is very cool. It makes your eyes fall all over the page.
The next thing that I noticed about the text is the way it flows when you read it. I found myself mouthing the words outloud because it has a way of reading. There are a lot of words with "s" in them so it might be hard to yougner reader to read aloud if you have them try.
I could almost see a class singing along to this book and activiating it with motions. It really could be something fun to do.
Another great thing about this book was the pictures. I am not sure what the right term for it is but it is like when movies moved from cartoons to the animation like in toy story. That is what the pictures look like and I really enjoyed them.

Louise the Big Cheese and the La-di-da Shoes is an adorable book about a little girl who wants sparkly, shiney, patent leather shoes but her mom won't let her get them because they are impractical. Her best friend gets a pair and she gets really jealous until she learns that they hurt her feet and gets the two of them in trouble for fighting.
This book is very relatable to little girls because we all have that one thing that we want and our mom won't let us get it and we think that is the end of the world as we know it. But usually, mom is right and once the trend passes its ok and you didn't die and you still have friends. I remember that with gel pens. they were these glitter pens in a bunch of colors but they cost like $4 each. GIrls had them in a million colors but my mom wouldn't let me get them. Finally she did when I did really well in a swimming race and I still remember her say "are you sure you want these?" Now I remember using them and feeling really cool but that trend lasted a few months and I still feel bad today for having my mom spend so much money on pens that we couldn't even write in class with.
This is a very girly book. All the pictures are very, very pink. It is written very cute as well. There is a lot of la-di-da, hootie-tootie, and oh-la-la phrases which makes it ccute. There is also a lot of dialogue that accompanies the story line which is fun to read. It is in a curly text which also makes it cute.
I think that this is a real fun read for girls and moms and I saw that there was some more books with louise and the big cheese so I want to read that one to see what "the big cheese" means. I think it has something to do with being a big deal and someone a bunch of little girls look up to.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

This book is about a Korean girl and her family who have to survive during the Japanse occupation during WWII.

I had a really hard time getting into the book. The first few chapters were very slow to me. I got bored with hearing about how they had to make socks. I was also a little confused by the histocial facts and I had to look up some thigns as I went along. However I did think that the book sounded very real. I have mentioned before that I dont' really like books written about someone who knew someone in a war. It just isn't the same when its not from the person's perspective. So that part I did like. It didn't sugar coat the story. It seemed very honest and detailed. This story reminded me a lot of the stories that I have heard about m grandma in the Holocust. She "got lucky" and was moved into a ghetto and had to work in a factory. So in a way I felt like I could relate to this story. I am excited to read the other book because I think that is a great way to teach history, having two points of view that is. Maybe it will help me appreciate this book more as well.