Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jules le plus beau bebe du monde byKevin Henkes
I chose this book because I stumbled across it while browsing the book shevles. I have taken french since 7th grade and I went to France with my school and my parents are fluent and have a love for the language. So needless to say I was excited to find a childrens book in french and as a bonus I love Kevin Henkes books+. It is about Lili getting a new little brother Jules who she does not like but her parents love. She does everything to try and scare him but nothing works. Finally she accepts her brother. This book wouldn't be a child that is first learning french because it past future and present tense words. Some were specific to the book that I had to look up. The book says 4 + but if you are trying to teach you kid french they would probably just have to listen.
I personally thought this book was just fabulous. I think it is important for diversity. All over Europe children speak more languges than one with ease and that doesn't happen hear. I know that when I have a child I would love to put them in an immersion program or at least have them know more than just English.
The story is also very relatable to children. Families are always growing and you have to learn to accept that which can be hard when your parents are used to giving all their attention to you. We talked in class about what we think makes a good children book and across the board we said pictures and detailed ones. Let me tell you, the images in this book are just amazing. Which made me really enjoy it. The pictures would be a good way for chidlren to follow along if they aren't fully understanding the book.

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