Sharing the Season is a book of poetry all about the seasons made for children. The poems vary in length and style.
This book is a great way to expose students to poetry. It shows that that poetry comes in all forms. It doesn't have to be lond either. In fact, most of the poems are only a page long.
This book also doens't only have poems but also quotes from famous writes like Shakespeare which is like a poem in itsself. What also makes this really appropiate for kids is that there are the pictures with each poem. The whole book sfollows the same color scheme of the front cover. The color of the page and image reflect the season in the poem.
One of my favorite poems was Summer Moon because when I was reading it I thought about summer nights. The best summer nights are always accompanied by a full bright moon and warm air. One of the things I did all the time in high school was have bomb fires on the beach of lake mighigan. We would sneak out of the house and down the street to our beach and have a night to ourselves. If it was our choice we would have slept out on that beach and never left.
Another one of the poems I liked was When which was about Thanksgiving. It reminded me of my thanksgiving that always happen at my grandmas house. Now that I am getting older and so are m sibilings and family, we are not always able to get together all the time like we used to. So it was nice to remember all the things we ALWAYS have at thanksgiving like the cranberries, jello and fluff, turkey, baked beans, mashed potatoes, and corn that is the best at grandmas house. It reminds me of the warmth and comforte I feel when I am at my grandmas house with my family.
Another poem I like was Summer and it just said "summer afternoon, summer afternoon, the two most beautiful words in the English language." I like this because although it is short, it is the truth! us midwesterners appreciate summer a lot and I love every second of warm summer sun that I can get. I will be moving down south where it is always warm so I hope I have the same attitude.
The final poem I liked was Map to Spring which is literally a poem written like directions to get to spring. I think I liked this because springis coming right now and I feel so exciting to be finally getting there after a long and cold winter. It always seems like it has been a million years since we have had warm sun and fresh breezes but this poem reminded me that spring is on the way.